Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Downers and Candy Apples.

Keeping goals in sight and not losing focus can be more difficult than physically doing the task at hand.

Want to know something absolutely delicious disgusting? At work we received new candy apples for fall. There's turtle (pecans and caramel), caramel and peanut, and get this.. smore. It makes me want to vom. The worst, worst, worst part though is that they only have a two week shelf life. After that, we have to take them home or throw them out. Of course, my boss decides to give them to me to take home. I can't say no and offend her, right? Uuuughhh. I. Hate. Food. End of fucking story.

Harrro 238423892893432 pound weight gain just by looking at these devil apples. I would literally die if I woke up one morning back to 250+ pounds. It seriously makes me ill to think about it. Just focus on these next 8 pounds.. Anybody who's ever had more than thirty pounds to lose knows that you can only focus on it a certain amount at a time. Or you won't be able to lose anything at all. You get discouraged, you cry, work hard, get even more discouraged, throw an all caps rage, and. then. quit. All that work for nothing, kiddos.


  1. Thank you for your comment!
    Awh I'm sorry that your boss chose to give you the apples, it always seems like the more you don't want food, the more it gets offered and forced on you. Good luck, I know you can stay strong! <3

  2. I work at Dominos, and I'm always being offered free food. All you have to do is say no. It may be hard sometimes, but one right choice after the other is all it takes, lovely. :) <3
